Saturday, December 29, 2012

Doctor Who Inspired Nails

My friend and I decided to have a Doctor Who day, so I needed some matching nails, right? I’ll take any excuse for themed nails.

DSCN1747 DSCN1732

I decided to go for the logo on my ring fingers, and for the rest of my nails I made the 4th Doctor’s scarf (which is a pretty sick scarf, if you ask me!). I tried to make it as if it was hanging there freely, so that’s why it doesn’t look like the perfect french tip.


For my french base, I used OPI – So Many Clowns… So Little Time, and a combination of polishes for the scarf. As for my ring finger- I first applied Finger Paints – Gallery Glam, followed by one coat of Sally Hansen – Laser. I then painted the logo on with a metallic silver polish. I placed a rhinestone on top to represent the light, then made it even better by putting some glow-in-the-dark polish on top of the rhinestone.


Hope you enjoyed!