Saturday, March 2, 2013

Oz: The Great and Powerful Inspired Nails: Logo

Great news! Oz comes out this Friday in the States!! By now a lot of you are probably getting sick of hearing about it from me, no? Even if you are, I still hope you’re not annoyed with my Oz themed nails :)

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I used two coats of Rimmel London – Camouflage for my green base on my ring fingers, then used Orly – Glitz for the Oz logo. On the rest of my nails, I used two coats of Orly – Glitz, followed by one coat of OPI – When Monkeys Fly!.

When Monkeys Fly! is a really pretty glitter from the new collection by OPI inspired by the new Oz movie. The only problem is the large gold glitters tend to curl.

I hope to be able to create more Oz inspired nails after seeing the movie (no worries- I won’t give away any spoilers. However, I may be inspired by something from the movie, but I’ll do my best to stray away from them… No promises though!)

Off to see the Wizard!