Today is the last day of the 31 Day Challenge! The theme was to recreate your favorite challenge. Reading it, I would assume you were supposed to recreate one of your own nail designs, but from what I’ve seen on other blogs, you’re supposed to recreate someone else’s nails. I chose to use The Nailasaurus’ Day 14: Flowers design. Her nails are much cuter because 1) she is amazing and 2) her flowers are smaller, and could fit more onto her nails.
Again, sorry for my impatience, and the smearing of the nail art- I honestly thought it was dry!
For my base, I used Revlon – Costal Surf. For the petals of my flowers, I used Nina Ultra Pro – Sailor, and for the center of the flowers, I used Funky Fingers – Down to Earth.
And now for my outro:
This is a bitter sweet ending. Some days I would become frustrated with the challenges, and would feel like I was running out of time, but other days I would find it very fun and relaxing. This challenge really did challenge me and made me go out of my comfort zone, and create things that I would have never thought of, otherwise. This was my first challenge, but I know it will not be my last (but don’t expect any more anytime soon! haha!). I hope you all enjoyed my take on the challenges, as much as I did :)
(I hope you won’t be mad at me because I will not be posting everyday anymore! Now, I’m not going to know what to do until I adjust to not painting my nails everyday! haha!)